Executive Director
Since 2011 I am Executive Director of Metrika Consulting AB. In 2014 I received my PhD in Sociology at Oxford University. After my Phd, I became Research Fellow at the Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University. Before starting my PhD in 2007, I had held lecturer positions at Universidad Iberoamericana and CIDE, in Mexico.
My research interests focus on economic and fiscal sociology with a particular interest in contagious social behaviour and methods for analysing micro-macro links. In my PhD thesis I worked on the role of social networks and contagious behaviour for explaining the evolution of economic criminal activities, such as tax avoidance and tax evasion. For this I used Swedish register data.
My extensive experience of using Stata in my research has been important for my work with Metrika. During my time as Executive Director, Metrika has grown to become one of the leading Stata distributors in the world, and I throughly enjoy the many contacts I have with Stata users in our territories: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and, most recently, Russia.